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Do we appreciate Qur’an as a religious book only, or also as a miracle?

When we learn that the Qur’an is a miracle, how is the miracle of the Qur’an presented today? Above all, if you search on Google, the first thing you will find are the scientific phenomena in the Qurán, right? Another thing you can find is a crazy theory of number 19, right? You will see some statistics. Another thing that you may find is that the Qur’an has predictions like the one that says that Rome was dominated but is going to be recovered again.

But do we believe that every verse of the Qur’an is a miracle? What do we believe? Is it a miracle from the moment it was revealed or from later on? From its beginnings, the first interaction that human beings had with the Qur’an until the last verse of the Qur’an is a miracle. This is what we believe. How many verses from the Quran contain predictions? Very few. How many verses of the Qur’an are dedicated to scientific phenomena? Very few. How many of these things were even known by the Arabs of that time? Almost nothing! So, what is it that hypnotized these people? What was it that made every time the Messenger, salAllahu ‘alaihi wa-s-salam, opened his mouth, left them speechless? They did not know what to say.

I shared this with you for a reason – to illustrate a tragedy. And the tragedy is that the unbelievers of the time of the Prophet, salAllahu ‘alaihi wa-s-salam, and the believers shared one thing. Both were dominated, by what? By the Qur’an. Both were dominated by the Qur’an. But the believers of our time, not to mention the unbelievers, even the believers of today do not realize the power of the Qur’an. They are not stunned, hypnotized, overwhelmed by the words of Allah, even compared to the way in which unbelievers used to be hypnotized at the time of the prophet (PBUH). And that is a tragedy, a real tragedy. That effect of the Quran is something that is lost. And it is lost to the point that people can ask absurd questions about the Qur’an – “How does it say this? How it says that?”

You see, if you and I had the chance to live in the time of Musa (Moses), ‘alayhi-s-salam. And we were next to him when Allah ordered him to hit the stick, and the water began to separate. Would you ever question Musa, ‘alayhi salam? Would you ever doubt? Would you ever have any hesitation in your faith? I do not think so. That must have been a very powerful experience – to see that happen, to escape from the very claws of death by the miraculous intervention of God. Our belief, as Muslims, as believers in the message of Muhammad, salAllahu ‘alaihi wa-s-salam, is that Allah gave him the final miracle, the most lasting, and the most powerful of all. Which? The Qur’an. As a result, if we were to appreciate this Qur’an as a miracle right now. Most of us appreciate it as a religious text, as a guide book, as a book of knowledge. We appreciate those things. But if we add to our appreciation its taste as a miracle of God, as deep words that are supposed to change life only with its impact, then we would have a totally different feeling of faith.

When the Prophet’s companions heard the Qur’an they heard two things at the same time. They heard a reminder, an advice, a guidance – all that. At the same time, they also experienced a miracle from God. When we hear Qur’an today, what do we hear? We hear the reminder. What’s missing? The miracle – the other side.
