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Why Quran is always recited in Arabic and not in another language?

What Qur’an does uniquely is the way it communicates. The way in which Allah speaks is so powerful and so incredible. You see, the Qur’an when is translated into any other language maybe, maybe, you will get the content of what it says, maybe. You will definitely not get 100% the way it speaks, the style is lost. The teachings, maybe you will get some from the translation, maybe. But, the style is lost. Because the way in which it is expressed, it exists in what language? In Arabic. So the creative beauty, the unique beauty, the incomparable majesty of the words of Allah cannot be translated.

The real impact that the original words have is just present in the original language. We can only appreciate this gap between our attempts to translate the Qur’an and Allah’s own words. Appreciate this gap. You know, Suyuti (rahimuhumullah) said that if you can appreciate the difference between God and His creation, meaning, to what extent Allah is above His creation, then you have an idea of the difference between the word of God and the word of His creation. What is the translation? It is the word of creation. It can never be a substitute for the word of God.

There is much lost in the content. But I just want to highlight about what is lost in beauty and style. And we should, as people who are not exposed to the Arabic language, at least, begin that journey of appreciating the Qur’an and its light. That is something that has been held dear by the Muslims for a very, very long time and has been almost completely lost in our times.