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ISLAM  – Why?

1) Because Islam, in its essence, is the same religion revealed to all the prophets.

2) Because Islam is the compendium and end in itself of all celestial religions.

3) Because Islam is the word of God transmitted to the last of the prophets, Muhammad, as the complete message for all mankind.

4) And because his book, the Qur’an, is the last and most beautiful of the sacred scriptures.

5) God (glorified be to Him) says:

Do they now seek a religion other than prescribed by God even though all that is in the heavens and the earth is in submission to Him – willing or unwillingly – and to Him all shall return? (Qur’an 3: 83)

ISLAM – To Whom?

6) To every person to whom God has granted intellect.

7) To those who can appreciate the gifts of God.

8) To those who are able to hear the word of God.

9) To all those who know how to understand the designs of God.

10) To those whose hearts are overflowing with love and gratitude to God.

11) To those who have made faith their own home.

ISLAM – When?

12) Not tomorrow, but right now.

13) Follow the impulse of your heart in search of faith.

14) Think of it as the opportunity of your life.

15) I know that this beautiful occasion may never come again.

16) Answer the call of God. He wants it that way.

17) “Your Lord is One God; so submit yourselves to Him alone” (Qur’an 22: 34)