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By Dr Muhammad Solaiman

Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual activity from dawn to sunset. They also do more prayers, supplications, meditations, donations and observe their behavior.

Why is the reward of fasting so immense?

Generally speaking, God (Allah) loves us and He is so generous in His reward. For a good deed, He may reward us between ten to seven hundred fold rewards (Hasanat). However, during Ramadan, the reward is limitless without a measure.

The Prophet (peace be upon him, PBUH) said, “(Allah said), ‘Every good deed of Adam’s son is for him except fasting; it is for Me and I shall reward for it.’ …” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Let us try to understand why Allah is so generous with us during Ramadan?

  1. Fasting is not just abstaining from food and drink. It is a demonstration of true love and sacrifices for the sake of satisfying God.
  2. Fasting is a secret act of worship between a person and his Lord. If one wants, he can hide to eat or drink. But he sincerely chooses to keep his fasting. Allah rewards generously this obedience and sincerity.
  3. In order to bear the hunger, thirst, physical and mental weaknesses and to keep away from all forbidden things, the Muslim needs to be patient. As mentioned in the Qur’an, Allah generously rewards the patients.

“Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning” (Qur’an 39:10).

  1. All acts of worship could be seen by others when done. Therefore, they may be contaminated with some elements of showing off. On the contrary, fasting is a hidden and unseen act of worship.
  2. Fasting is a continuous act of worship whereby the Muslim observes Allah for 24 hours a day. He spends the day fasting, the night praying and he always observes his behavior. Therefore, Ramadan is a whole month of a continuous worshiping of Allah.
  3. Ramadan is a pot which collects not only fasting but all other Islamic rituals and practices. Therefore, in Ramadan, the Muslim practices special physical prayers (Al-Tarawih), donates money to the poor, recites the Qur’an, supplicates, meditates, and he keeps ideal moral conducts.
  4. Fasting strengthens our power of self-control. The Muslim should be free from any type of slavery to anything like a type of food or habit. He should have self-control and submit himself only to Allah. Ramadan teaches the Muslim to control his will so that he does what is right and not what he necessarily likes.

How do our souls flourish in Ramadan?

Fasting is the most effective practice to achieve higher levels of spirituality. All the year round, we have physical obligations towards our body. Therefore, fasting the month of Ramadan is an opportunity to restrain the needs of our bodies and let our souls lead, flourish and sprout. In other words, Ramadan is an opportunity for our souls to dominate and attain higher levels of spirituality over our physical tendencies and needs.

  1. Our souls flourish in Ramadan by righteousness

“O, you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you become righteous (pious)” (Quran 2:183).

As indicated in the above verse, Allah prescribed fasting for Muslims and those who existed before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH); like the Jews and Christians. Allah in this verse asserts something very important. He wants us to become more pious and righteous and fasting is the divine prescription for this righteousness. During Ramadan righteousness is gained by strengthening the power of self-control and learning to be patient and by elevating our souls to higher levels.

  1. Our souls flourish by the recitation of the Glorious Qur’an

The Glorious Qur’an was revealed during the month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, Muslims are recommended to recite the whole Qur’an and contemplate on its meanings, at least once as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to do. Reading the divine words of Allah in the Glorious Qur’an boosts the spirituality of Muslims and enables them to better understand the message of Allah.

  1. Our souls flourish by extra prayers

During the month of Ramadan, in addition to the five regular prayers, Muslims have special extra night prayers (Salat Al-Tarawih and Salat Al-Tahajud). Muslims are also encouraged to pray more Sunnah prayers (prayers before and after the five regular prayers) because the reward of these prayers at the month of Ramadan is multiplied. During these prayers, Muslims stand before Allah while the Qur’an is recited and these prayers include supplications, the glorification of Allah and meditations. The extra prayers in Ramadan boost and nourish the souls of Muslims.

  1. Our souls flourish by extra supplications

During Ramadan, Allah promises to grant the Muslim what he wishes at the time of breaking his fasting (Iftar). Muslims, therefore, drink and eat a little of something sweet like dates, and then strive in their supplications before eating.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: ”Three groups of people whom their supplication (dua’a) will not be rejected, the fasting person when he breaks his fast, the just leader and the supplication of the oppressed person.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Supplications are also repeated all day round during and after all regular prayers.

  1. Our souls flourish by the remembrance of Allah

The Muslim utilizes all his time to keep his tongue always busy with the remembrance of Allah. The Muslim rehearses the names which reflect the attributes of Allah and sends prayers to the Prophet Muhammad. He tries to do so most of his time; while working, walking, sitting and laying down.

  1. Our souls flourish by asking Allah forgiveness (Estighfar)

Muslims are encouraged to ask for Allah’s forgiveness. They do that all day round. This means that they admit their weaknesses and their hope for Allah’s forgiveness. Estighfar is one of the practices which could be done anywhere and anytime and strengthens our spirituality.

  1. Our souls flourish by moral perfection

The Prophet Muhammad said that he was sent to perfect good characters. In Ramadan, the Muslim should watch his behavior, try to be perfect and show the best of his manners. He refrains from any sinful behaviour such as lying, anger, swearing, cursing, cheating, or misbehaving with the others. Unless the Muslim does so, he may suffer the hunger and thirsty without any reward for his fasting. The higher the moral values we stick to during Ramadan and hopefully after Ramadan, the higher we get our spirits boosted and the more we get a reward.

  1. Our souls flourish at the night of power (Lailatul Qadr)

This night occurs at one of the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. Muslims spend these whole ten nights praying, supplicating, meditating, reciting the Glorious Qur’an and asking Allah for His forgiveness. The reward of this night equals the reward of one thousand months of worshiping Allah. At these last nights of Ramadan, the spirituality reaches its climax and the sins are washed off by the tears raining from the eyes of Muslims. In these days, Muslims enjoy and gain a unique feeling of relief, comfort and tranquility.

  1. Our souls flourish by our kindness and love to the poor

The experience of the hunger and thirst of others in Ramadan softens our hearts and enhances our kindness to the poor. Consequently, Muslims learn in Ramadan to donate extra charity generously to the poor and to try to help them. Muslims also are obligated to pay a specified amount of money to the poor before the end of Ramadan. This is called Zakatul-Fitr. The kindness, sympathy and solidarity with the poor boost our spirituality.

  1. Our souls flourish by the gatherings of Ramadan

All the family usually gather together at the time of Iftar to break their fast together. Being together increases family ties and solidarity. On Iftar, the family discusses issues related to fasting and prayers and other good deeds. This helps to remind the members of the family with the virtues of Ramadan and encourages them to do more efforts to nourish their souls in Ramadan.

Also, Muslims are encouraged to invite others for Iftar in Ramadan. By doing so, they get their fasting reward and the reward of the invited people. Again, being with others helps to exchange spiritual experiences.

  1. Our souls flourish during Eitekaf

Spending the last ten days of Ramadan in the mosque is called Eitekaf. It was the tradition of the prophet to make Eitekaf in Ramadan. During Eitekaf, the Muslim spends all his time in communication with God, doing intensively all the previously mentioned rituals and practices. Definitely, this would further his spirituality. Eitekaf is a wonderful spiritual experience, even if we just spend a day or two in the mosque. If our circumstances may not permit us to make full Eitekaf, perhaps we still may be able to make a partial Eitekaf by spending as much time as we can at the mosque with the intention of a partial Eitekaf.

  1. Our souls flourish during the celebration of Eidul Fitr (the feast which follows Ramadan)

At the end of the month of Ramadan, there is a feast called “Eidul Fitr” or literally the feast of breaking the fasting. In this feast, Muslims celebrate their success in fasting the month of Ramadan and they are recommended to visit friends and relatives. This increases the solidarity of the community and helps to exchange and keep the momentum of spirituality.

Don’t waste a moment in Ramadan

As we have seen, the spirituality gained during the month of Ramadan is unique and tremendous and Allah’s generous forgiveness and reward are immense.

The Prophet (PBUH) said,At the beginning of the month of Ramadan is Allah’s Mercy, in the middle is Allah’s forgiveness and at the end, Muslims are emancipated from the punishment of Fire”.

Therefore, we should not waste any time in Ramadan as it is a marvelous opportunity to achieve utmost spirituality and to wash off all our sins.

We should always to take care of the quality of our rituals and practices instead of concentrating on how much we have done. For instance, while reciting the Glorious Qur’an, we better wonder about the meaning and the lessons we get from the verses we read.

How to keep the gained gear of spirituality?

Once we experience the climax of the spirituality of Ramadan, we should try to extrapolate this spirituality to the rest of the year. To keep the gear of the spiritual benefits and the momentum of fasting Ramadan, it is recommended to fast six days in the following month of Shawal and to fast as many days as we can all the year round. We should keep: 1) the habit of praying in congregations at the mosque, 2) the performance of night prayers (Tahajud) at least once a week, 3) the daily recitation of the Qur’an, 4) the good morals and patience, 5) the good relationship and generosity with our community, 6) the compassion to the poor and 6) daily meditation, supplication and Estighfar