The unique religion of Islam
By Muhammad Solaiman
Islam is the Divine revelation of God. Through Islam, we can get a meaningful and direct relationship with God. Islam fits well with human instinct and nature, and therefore, it is the fastest growing religion. Muslims constitute about one-fourth of the global population and they are found in all countries.
Islam has many virtues overall dominant religions amongst many we mention the following:
First: Monotheism (believing in one God, Allah) is absolute in Islam without any compromise.
Second: The Glorious Qur’an, the divine revealed Holy book of Islam, has been perfectly preserved since the first verse was revealed. It was memorised by heart by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him, PBUH) and his followers, and since then Muslims memorise it by heart. It was recorded under the supervision of the Prophet and soon collected after his death in one book. Therefore, there is only one Qur’an possessed by all Muslims.
Third: The tradition of the prophet, which is the second source of Islam, is well kept and preserved. It helps to understand our religion and it sheds light on how we can practice Islam and perform its rituals.
Fourth: The faith in the religion of Islam is simple, straight forward, easily understood and comprehended by anybody. It is based on clear proofs and encourages people to use their intelligence to think and ponder over their life and the universe. There are no myths or legends with regard to the faith and beliefs of Islam.
Fifth: The rituals and practices to communicate with God are exactly the same as revealed to and performed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Therefore, they are real and authentic. Therefore, they lead to true and real communication with God. Consequently, Islamic practices result in real inner peace and tranquillity of the hearts and minds.
Sixth: Islam is a complete way of life. By practising and living according to Islam a person liberates himself from slavery to man-made systems and lifestyles. The submission of Muslims to God enables them to enjoy true and real freedom.
Seventh: This life is temporary and the Hereafter is permanent. Allah promised those who are committed to Islam, and who obey Him and follow His straight Path, to be rewarded paradise in the next eternal life.
Eighth: The religion of Islam is compatible with the instinct and innate nature of human beings (Fitrah). Therefore, it appeals to about one-fourth of the world’s population and it is the fastest growing religion.
Ninth: Islam gives a person a clear perspective of the purpose of life. Humans are tested in this life by God. Therefore, they have to acknowledge and obey Him. We are going to be compensated for the sufferings we all have in this life, providing that we believe in God and submit to Him.
Tenth: Islam annuls all previous record of sins of the new Muslim, no matter how many or how big they are. The new Muslim starts with a completely clean new record. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Islam annuls what came before it” (Narrated by Muslim).
Eleventh: God the Most Just has given each person both the freedom of choice and intelligence to discern between right and wrong. According to Islam, on the Day of Judgement, each person is responsible for his own actions.
Twelfth: God is accessible to everyone. People in front of God are not distinguishable by race, wealth, gender, nationality or social class. All forms of racism are prohibited in Islam.
One thought
I love islam and i believe that it is the right path and prophet Muhammad (S. A. M) is the true messenger
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