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Problems in the way of Muslim women

Iman Ali Mashaly

The most difficult times for man is when he faces a problem, especially if his attitude was negative or could not solve it because a problem means embarrassment with its consequences of results and causes. When a person faces many problems, he feels tired and hates his life then resorts to deviant ways or deviant tries to forget his reality.

Men have the potential to face problems, whereas women are not where they have softness, compassion, tenderness, gentleness which make them tend to serenity not chagrin, and to calmness not clamour.

Reasonable people do not stand helpless before their problems but they face them and try to study their features then find out the proper solutions.

Correct movement toward problems comforts the soul and rests the conscience, without that correct movement, a person does not feel comfortable.

A woman who leads a quiet life can offer more to humanity than men can offer.

Women are confused:

Women are confused where they hear every day a lot of words: One day they hear a fatwa and on the second day they hear refutation to it.

One day they hear an opinion and on the next day they hear the opposite. Some people placed them in a lower rank, whereas others placed them in a high rank. Some people oppressed them by two ways: Urging them to seek their rights or urging them to define their role in the society.

The first built their view on illusion, fabricating events, and fallacies, whereas the second subjected them to the command of Allah, studied the concrete reality, and benefited from the experiences of others, and the researches of logicians, philosophers, and Westerners and Easterners psychologists. The second trend wanted to honour women and keep them away from darkness but women are still confused.

Western calls are trying to accuse Muslim women and speak about the liberation of women in the concept of the lack of chastity where Islam protects them.

Therefore, they resorted to defame and accuse Islam, whereas some thinkers wanted to promote them, show tenderness and intimacy by demanding her liberation.

Some people studied them and spoke a lot about them without touching upon their problems, whereas others treated them justly and explained their value and status, and others mocked at them and considered them an idol to worship, so they flirted them and always spoke about their glamorous beauty.

Islam and women:

Islam has treated women fairly and has honoured them since it came down by securing their rights, properties, and honour, putting them in their proper place and rank.

Women as mothers:

Islam exhorted Muslims to respect and honour mothers as it did with fathers and spoke about their honour directly after the command of worshipping Allah (Glory be to Him) where Allah said:

Worship God and join none with Him (in worship); and do good to parents” (Qur’an 4: 36). 

“And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour. And lower to them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: ‘My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young'” (Qur’an 17: 23- 24).

Women as wives:

Women are not getting married but after their permission. Islam commanded husbands to offer them dowries out of honour and respect to them and showing the desire, love, and readiness to sacrifice for their sake.

It also commands their guardians to announce their marriage and bring witnesses to protect their honour and lineage.

When a woman marries, she becomes a life mate and she will have rights due on her husband and he has some rights on her. Islam exhorted Muslims to treat women nicely and forbade bad treatment even when a husband hates his wife.

Likewise Islam protects women if they are daughters or sisters and protected their dignity and honour.

I wish every woman to head to Islam with her sights and heart away from the distortion of thinkers, the claims of the West, and the frustration of media.

I wish that every woman judges everything according to the balance of right and truth; it is the balance of Islam that never fails.