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Source: Arab News

The Ministry of Health has launched a multimedia awareness campaign to inform Haj pilgrims of the preventive measures that should be taken during their stay in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.

In addition to the media channels, the ministry will distribute more than a million brochures in several languages spelling out guidelines to prevent the spread of infection among pilgrims. They will be available in Arabic, English, French, Urdu and Bahasa Indonesia languages.

In addition to these brochures, the ministry will also distribute leaflets containing visual messages of what the pilgrims should and should not do during their stay in the holy cities.

Pilgrims have been asked not to keep their cooked food for more than two hours to prevent food poisoning.

They have also been requested to wash the fruits and green leaves before consumption.  Meat and vegetables should not be washed together in preparation for cooking.

They should be careful when they mingle in mass gatherings. It is advisable to wear masks in crowded places and change them frequently.

They should pay special attention to personal hygiene and wash hands frequently. Cover the mouth and nose while sneezing would help prevent the spread of disease.

Pilgrims have been advised to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water or a disinfectant, especially after coughing or sneezing, to maintain personal hygiene and prevent infection. They are also asked to use napkins to cover their mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.

Covering the face with a towel while sleeping in congested rooms would help to prevent respiratory infections.

The Health Ministry has also issued a general advisory about maintaining personal hygiene, cooking and serving food hygienically in order to prevent diarrhea and vomiting, food poisoning, dysentery, typhoid and cholera. In addition, hands should be washed before and after eating.

Vaccinations for meningitis are mandatory for all pilgrims while those coming from endemic countries infected with various diseases, have to be vaccinated too.