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“I refused to be just a picture.” The first veiled mayor in Britain reveals to Al-Jazeera Net the reasons for her resignation

Rakia British politician Ismail succeeded in writing her name as the first veiled mayor in the history of the United Kingdom, but this inspiring story did not last long, and in an interview with Al-Jazeera Net, she reveals the reasons that led her to resign from her post.

The British politician, Raqia Ismail, succeeded in writing her name as the first veiled mayor in the history of the United Kingdom, thus presenting an honorable example for the success of Muslim women in Britain, and she gave the British model a bright picture in dealing with immigrants, their smooth integration, and their access to official positions.

However, this inspiring story did not last long, as it collided with thick walls based on the political practice that Raqia Ismail described as “the domination of the white man”, which prompted her to resign from her position, in protest against what it called the marginalization that affected it despite the political and social successes it achieved in the region that Represent it.

The resignation of Raqia Ismail brought the issue of racism in the political field back to the fore, and left a shock among the Muslim minority in Britain. There are those who believe that this resignation may be a wake-up call for the presence of many inhibitors to the discrimination of Muslim women, and in this private dialogue with Al-Jazeera Net, Raqia Ismail reveals Reasons for her resignation.

What were your reasons for resigning from your position as mayor of Islington?

The reason for my resignation is due to the obstruction of my work by the district council in which I work. A number of aid to the people I represent has been suspended for reasons that I believe are related to Islamophobia, and I also felt that there is a growing feeling of hatred towards me – as a Muslim – from some of my colleagues at work. For example, any official activity was forbidden by me, which caused my sorrow and resentment.

I was banned from council accounts, and I was only harassed because I was demanding the rights of the people I represent, and I have presented a lot of projects that help these people.

I feel deeply sad because I just wanted to work and help, but I was targeted, my voice is no longer heard, my work is not being given its due, and I do not find any appreciation or consideration even from within the party I belong to.

Rakia Ismail while participating in an event for the Labor Party (Getty Images)

Your success in the elections means that you have good popularity, so why should the party marginalize you?

I think that I was seen as a way to reach an important mass of voters, which is a bloc the party needs, from black citizens, immigrants, Muslims and veiled women, and in order to present an image abroad that British policy allows everyone to succeed and assume office, but in fact and through practice it is completely different, Frankly, I was disappointed because when I got involved in political work, I believed in the values ​​of justice and political equality, and that everyone is equal and have equal opportunities for success, but unfortunately I did not find all of these values ​​on the ground.

Do you think that the obstruction to your work is caused by the hijab?

I believe that many of the obstacles placed before me are due to my being a strong Muslim woman, and I defend my ideas confidently, express my opinion openly, and discuss decisions.

They want a submissive Muslim woman who sits on the chair and does nothing, and remains only as a manifestation of assimilation, but I refused to be just a picture.

You said that your decision to resign was due to the “white man” policy, what do you mean?

Some of the white men with whom I worked who lead some state institutions do not want to listen to me, they do not give any value to what he has accomplished, they do not answer the questions that I present to them, and they give themselves the right to do what they want in the way they want and at the time they want, and this is wrong. It cannot happen in a civilized country.

I demand that I be listened to because I was elected by the citizens, and I am a representative of the people, and my mission is to communicate their problems to the officials and they must listen.

I am very sad and angry about what happened to me, because I am a person with great respect in the region I represent, and when I am completely ignored it sends negative messages even to the citizens.

What are the entities that dealt with racism with you?

Some leaders in some institutions do not show any appreciation for the principles and values ​​that I defend, as I have been excluded, and I am certain that if I were a white woman, I would not have faced all this suffering, and when I talk about the leaders who excluded me, I mean the decision-makers in the district council that I represent.

Has there been any reaction from politicians after your resignation?

No, at all, I have not received any call asking about the reasons for my resignation, or offering me a discussion to find out the problems I faced. Everyone treated indifferently to the decision to resign as if it were a normal event.

Have you discussed with the Labor leadership the problems you encountered in your work?

There was an inscription between me and the party leadership via a radio program on the background of my resignation, and the leadership expressed its regret for this decision, and promised to listen to me and the problems that I am facing, but I am currently focusing on representing the citizens who voted for me, and on helping those who deserve assistance regardless of their religion or origin.

What are the reactions of the Muslim minority after the decision to resign?

The response of the citizens I represent is amazed and surprised, because they believe that the slogans of equality and equal opportunities have not been applied in my case, even though I am the only veiled woman in the city’s governing council, but I have not been listened to and I have not found anyone to go to to broadcast my complaint, and I insist on Do my job as a representative of the citizens, and I am not working for politicians and decision makers.

