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Oklahoma Muslims celebrated a historic moment Monday when a Muslim faith leader gave the daily prayer in the state Senate.

Thought to be the first Muslim invocation in the Oklahoma Senate, Imad Enchassi’s prayer was years in the making

The senior imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City applied to lead the daily prayer in the Oklahoma House in 2017, but his application was denied with no explanation — spurring controversy. 

Following the denial, a House lawmaker who no longer serves in the Oklahoma Legislature changed the rules of the House chaplaincy program at the time to effectively eliminate non-Christians from participating

“Standing there, performing the prayer for the Senate, felt like a redemption,” Enchassi said. 

Imad Enchassi, senior imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, walks with Sen. Carri Hicks before giving the daily prayer Monday in the Oklahoma state Senate. Enchassi is likely the first imam (Muslim faith leader) to offer a prayer on the Oklahoma Senate Floor.

The nearly five-minute prayer Enchassi recited in the Senate chamber was written four years ago, when he first anticipated leading the Oklahoma House in prayer.  

Enchassi said Monday’s prayer was intended to convey a message of community, tolerance and love — all things he has preached throughout his life.

He felt as though the senators, who bowed their heads in quiet reflection, were listening. Some senators embraced Enchassi as they entered the chamber for the afternoon legislative session. 

“I’m your brother from a different mother,” he said afterward. “We pray to the same people. We have the same God, and we’re all Oklahomans.”

Imad Enchassi, senior imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, displays his "Chaplain of the Day" certificate after giving the daily prayer Monday in the Senate chambers at the state Capitol.

Enchassi, who was invited by Sen. Carri Hicks, D-Oklahoman City, said he was worried Monday morning that his appearance at the Senate was going to be canceled. 

Anticipating protesters, he showed up nearly two hours early. 

Although some protesters have shown up at previous “Muslim Day at the Capitol” events, none showed Monday. 

This marks the seventh year Oklahoma Muslims have hosted a “Day at the Capitol,” although this year’s events were virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2019, Gov. Kevin Stitt became the first Oklahoma governor to greet Muslim participants at the annual event. 

Adam Soltani, executive director of the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, called Monday’s events “historic,” and said Enchassi’s prayer was a step toward healing Oklahoma as the state begins to embrace its full religious diversity. 

“Today marks a culmination of much of the efforts we have put forth in ensuring that the Oklahoma Muslim community is fully represented in all facets of our local government,” he said. “Much of the modern history of Oklahoma Muslims and the state legislature is tainted by Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry.”