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منشورات دعوية مفهرسة باللغة الانكليزية:
#قصةالنبينوح عليه السلام
الجزء الثاني
🔹The story of the prophet Noah (Peace be upon him)🔹

  • Part 2-

🌿Before continuing the story it is worth to mention the following….

📍The correct view is that the Messenger is one who is sent to a disbelieving people, and the Prophet is one who is sent to a believing people with the sharee’ah of the Messenger who came before him, to teach them and judge between them.

▪️Every Messenger is a Prophet, but every Prophet is not a Messenger.(Al Ashqar, U. (2003).

Adam (peace be upon him) the father of mankind was the first of the Prophets, But he was not a Messenger,
Nooh was the first of the Messengers.

▪️Since this was mankind’s first deviation from the correct worship of God as taught by Prophet Adam, God sent Noah, the first of His Messengers.

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad said:

📨”On the day of Judgement, the people will come to Noah and say ‘Oh Noah, you are the first of the Messengers sent to earth, and God called you a thankful slave.”(Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

#قصةالنبينوح عليه السلام
الجزء الثاني
🔸Noah’s (Peace be upon him) Call🔸

▪️The Prophet Noah was very pious and truthful. He patiently called his people to righteousness. He called on them using a variety of different methods.

God, the Exalted, says (Intepretation of the meaning):
💎”He said: ‘O my Lord! Verily, I have called my people night and day (secretly and openly to accept the doctrine of Islamic Monotheism), but all my calling added nothing but to their flight from the truth. Verily! Every time I called unto them that You might forgive them, they thrust their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments, and persisted (in their refusal), and magnified themselves in pride.” (Quran 71:5-7)

▪️Noah explained to his people that they would receive benefits by turning to Allah and begging His forgiveness. He (Allah) would bestow rain on them, as well as children and wealth, He would grant them bounteous gardens and flowing rivers.

God, the Exalted, says (Intepretation of the meaning):
💎 “And said, ‘Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Indeed, He is ever a Perpetual Forgiver.He will send [rain from] the sky upon you in [continuing] showers. And give you increase in wealth and children and provide for you gardens and provide for you rivers.'(Quran 71:10-12)