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A non-Muslim police officer is fasting during Ramadan as a show of solidarity to his colleague.

Sergeant Kevin Gammond, 38, is taking part in the holy month of Ramadan by not eating or drinking anything between sunrise and sunset to support his Muslim workmate Sergeant Kassim Hanif, 34.

The pair have been working together for almost a year in Wythenshawe and will be celebrating Eid together on May 12 with a takeaway and home-made samosas as they will both be on shift.

Sgt Gammond said: “During the days leading up to the fasting Kas was talking about it and I just said ‘I’ll do it with you if you want?’

“I wanted to support him thought it and it would be a real challenge to see if I could stick to it.

“It’s been really difficult. I haven’t buckled yet because a PC on the team has said that if I fail, I have to do 100 burpees whenever he chooses! The threat of that has kept me going.

“I miss my morning coffees and breakfasts. I often stay up late and eat a second or third meal, because if I don’t I start to feel light headed during the day. It’s a strange feeling.”

“We’re working that day, so I want to order a massive takeaway to the station that evening. Probably a Domino’s pizza with all the trimmings,” he said.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which Muslims observe by fasting between sunrise and sunset for 30 days.

An important month for Muslims, the annual event is meant to help people focus on prayer, purification and charitable acts.

The pair will also be celebrating Eid together
The pair will also be celebrating Eid together (Image: GMP)

Sgt Hanif said: “I really appreciate Kev fasting as we work in a small office and therefore it would have made it difficult watching him have his lunch at his desk!

“He is doing really well. During a normal working day Kev generally loves to have several cups and often says he’s gagging for a brew.

“Generally during working hours I usually enjoy snacking throughout the day on junk food from the station tuckshop! I think I miss this the most.”

Sgt Hanif said that Ramadan helps him to reflect on the hunger and thirst of those across the world who are less fortunate.

He added: “In previous years I would open my fast with various friends and family and attend the mosque in the evening. Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions this year I have not been able to do this and therefore this has made it even more difficult.

“I am extremely grateful for the support provided not only by Kev but also by Inspector Paul Wall as he has also taken the time out to support and encourage us.”

Inspector Wall said he was ‘beaming with pride’ at his officers’ support for one another but – as their commanding officer – was also keeping a close eye on quality assurance.

“I have been checking in with Sgt Naomi Helliwell, who is due to marry Sgt Gammond in June this year, and she assures me he has been strictly sticking to the fast at home!

Insp Wall added: “I can honestly say that the work output of both officers has not slowed down during the fasting period. At the end of Ramadan Sgt Hanif plans to bring in lots of home cooked traditional food and we are very much looking forward to this.

“I would genuinely describe both Sergeants as South Manchester’s finest and I am not surprised that they are demonstrating such dedication to each other and our community.”