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Muslim employee at Severn Trent Water designs PPE headscarf for women to wear under safety helmet

A Muslim woman working for Severn Trent Water has designed a PPE headscarf that is suitable for workers to wear under a safety helmet.

The water utility firm said it wants to encourage more women from diverse backgrounds to join the company – and the engineering industry in general.

It has identified a particular issue that could be a potential obstacle to Muslim women who choose to wear a headscarf for religious reasons.

A hijab is a veil worn by Muslim women in the presence of men outside of their immediate family, which usually covers the hair, head and chest.

A practical and easy to wear PPE (personal protection equipment) headscarf, however, is now available to Severn Trent Water employees – old and new.

That is thanks to the ingenuity of Aminah Shafiq, a senior water quality advisor at the utility firm, which supplies water and waste services to over eight million customers across Leicestershire and the wider Midlands region.

A Severn Trent Water spokeswoman said: “We now have our first PPE headscarf available for colleagues after Aminah Shafiq, one of our employees, designed a prototype that’s suitable for Muslim women who cover their hair that’s both practical and safe to wear under helmets.