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Muslim foreign ministers to make women’s rights plea to Taliban

Ministers from Muslim-majority nations to travel to Kabul to discuss ban on girls going to secondary school

Foreign ministers from several Muslim-majority countries are planning to go to Kabul in part to urge the Taliban to recognise that the exclusion of women and girls from education is a distortion of the Islamic faith.

The proposal has the support of western diplomats, who recognise that calls from them concerning universal values are going to have less traction with the Taliban than if the request comes from leaders of largely Islamic states.

The Taliban have debarred girls from going to secondary school since they took power in mid-August, producing a variety of reasons for doing so, and occasionally suggesting the ban is temporary.

The two foreign ministers most likely to go to Kabul are the Turkish foreign minister, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, and his Indonesian counterpart, Retno Marsudi, arguably the most senior Muslim female diplomat in the world.

“We follow the situation in Afghanistan closely. We are planning to go to Kabul with some other foreign ministers in the upcoming period,” Çavuşoğlu said at a joint press conference with Marsudi.

Çavuşoğlu said he had discussed the plan with Marsudi during their meeting on the sidelines of the UN general assembly in New York. Some other friendly ministers also “loved the idea”, Çavuşoğlu said, adding: “We will plan for this in the coming days.” The visit would also be an attempt to set the terms for improved humanitarian support for Afghanistan.

At the G20 special conference on Afghanistan on Tuesday, the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, proposed a G20 permanent working party be set up to address the humanitarian crisis and to direct the Taliban to a more inclusive system of government. Turkey has been striving for influence in Afghanistan for months, but its proposal to oversee Kabul international airport ultimately failed due to a lack of security guarantees from the Taliban.