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Muslim religious leaders forgive person who vandalized property of Rochester Hills mosque

DETROIT – The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is extending an open invitation to the person who intentionally damaged one of the doors of the mosque in Rochester Hills.

Muslim religious leaders and community members have decided to forgive them for disrespecting a place of worship.

Surveillance video caught the man as he walked to the back of the mosque to deface the property.

“He can talk to us and see with his own eyes, how peaceful and loving this community is and what it is all about. Our rules include love for all hatred. So, that’s the message that we wanted to communicate and convey to him,” said Director of outreach, Muhammad Ahmad.

Ahmad believes forgiveness is the right thing to do. At the end of the day they just want to know the motive behind the damage. So far, the community is starting to reach out with messages of support.

“Our neighbors, they conveyed the well wishes to us and mentioned they’re sorry it happened,” said Imam Shamshad A. Nasir.

One woman has already come by to write these messages of love on the sidewalk. Although she doesn’t want any recognition, the woman says it was the right thing to do.

“I believe everything I wrote out there and that was just my way of showing love and unity to the mosque members,” said one anonymous woman.

“We are really moved by the messages of love. That kind of gives us strength as a community that we are not alone in this,” said Ahmad.

The incident remains under investigation, the mosque says it will not press any charges if the person comes forward.