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Texas shocked by killing of motorist who pulled into man’s driveway

Terry Turner’s defense to claim murder of Adil Dghoughi, a Muslim who immigrated to the US from Morocco, falls under rubric of ‘stand your ground’ law

Adil Dghoughi, 31, was killed earlier this month by the homeowner Terry Duane Turner, who has been charged with murder. Turner’s lawyers say they will defend their client under Texas’s stand-your-ground law and castle doctrine.
Adil Dghoughi, 31, was killed earlier this month. Photograph: GoFundMe

Controversial laws in Texas that can effectively allow homeowners to kill people coming on to their property are to be thrown into the spotlight after the shocking case of a Moroccan man who was shot dead after pulling over in the driveway of a San Antonio-area house, possibly because he was lost.

Adil Dghoughi, 31, was killed earlier this month by the homeowner Terry Turner, who has been charged with murder.

Turner’s lawyers say they will defend their client under the rubric of Texas’s stand-your-ground law and castle doctrine that allows homeowners to use deadly force against someone on their property if the actions are seen as immediately necessary.

Stand-your-ground laws counter the notion that in the event of danger, one must retreat or run away. Rather, a person may “stand their ground” and justifiably defend themselves.