The campaign aims to raise $5000. Till the time of writing, the campaign has raised more than $800.
“Your support will help us deploy our American Muslim Anti-Racism Leadership (AMAL) fellows and engage more institutions in deep systems change this year,” the group added.
MuslimARC is a racial justice education organization with a vision that focuses on education and liberation.
The organization works to create spaces for learning and developing racial equity, connect people across multi-ethnic networks, and cultivate solutions for racial equity.
According to the Pew Research Center, black Muslims make up a fifth of US Muslims.
African American Muslim history extends from the enslavement of Muslim Africans and into the Twentieth-Century Black Muslim Movement.
White Christian slaveowners stripped African Muslims of their faith and forced mass conversions. During the Black Muslim Movement, numerous African Americans reembraced the religion of their forefathers.