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New Muslims Share Their First Ramadan Stories

For new converts, Ramadan fasting is a challenging experience. Yet, the rewards are worth it

Practicing Islam since her conversion in September 2021, Lovii Hicks found her first Ramadan fasting much easier than what she expected.

“I thought it was going to be hard. I was so scared. Like, I prepped, my house is Ramadan proof now. I put all my snacks away. I don’t have anything laying out that I could just reach and grab,” Spectrum News1 reported.

Though abstaining from food and water from sunrise to sunset seems difficult to the outside world, Hicks found it magical.

“It’s not like you’re sacrificing yourself, you’re starving, you’re walking around all gaunt and hungry,” said Hicks.

“You’re full of worship and prayer and God’s word that sustains you throughout the day. And then when it is time to eat, it’s a feast.”

Hicks grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness before becoming a Catholic in her search for faith. Finally, she found in Islam what she was missing.

“It means everything to me,” said Hicks. “It gives me peace, and it centers me. Just taking those few 10 minutes out to pray five times a day is a blessing.”

Different Ramadan

Like Hicks, Matt Schoonover didn’t find a faith that resonated with him until he became Muslim in 2006.

As Ramadan moves towards springtime and fewer fasting hours, he believes fasting is much easier now than his first Ramadan.

“The first Ramadan, it was more of a struggle for a couple of reasons. One, never being used to fasting before and then also, you know, 16 years ago, it was kind of more towards the summertime,” said Schoonover.

“So it was starting, like the fasts were really, really long. So that makes it more difficult when you’re fasting for, like 15, 16 hours as opposed to right now where it’s 14 hours.” 

In her first Ramadan, Hicks hopes to make the best of the month to strengthen her connection with Allah and show gratitude to Him. 

“You have to know that the endgame is a firmer relationship, in your religion with your God, with Allah, because he’s going to bless you for simple sacrifices, simple sacrifices, things that we in America take for granted,” said Hicks.

“Because I mean, food is plentiful. There’s a McDonald’s and Wendy’s on every corner. But you know, you’re driving past that because you know that, instead of snacking, you’re gonna get that extra blessing, you’re gonna pray more, you’re gonna focus more on your relationship instead of your stomach.”