God says to humankind, the truth is obvious, I (God) have laid it bare and explained it to you. Those who wish to believe may do so, and those who wish to ignore it may also do so. Each person has been given a free will to choose from but at the same time one is responsible for the choices he makes.
God gives us a stern warning by mentioning the Fire that has been prepared for the wrongdoers. It is a ghastly place where those who call for relief will be given water like boiling oil. It is a terrible drink and it is a very painful place to be for all of eternity.
When God describes Hell and life within its confines it is hoped that humankind will view it as a warning. This is what awaits you if you refuse to obey the commandments of God.
God is saying pay attention, protect yourselves and ask for forgiveness. A terrible drink in a painful place is a promise from God for those who fail to accept His offers of forgiveness. Repent, vow to stay away from sinful behavior and try to improve your status with God.
No Good is Wasted
In contrast however, those who believe and do good deeds will find a very different Hereafter awaiting them. One that is more blissful than a human being is able to imagine. God states specifically and unequivocally that He will never let a good deed go to waste.
Among God’s names we can find ‘The Most Appreciative’, He appreciates every little attempt we make to be a good person. The smallest of deeds are not forgotten. God even appreciates when we decide against doing a bad deed. This is what Prophet Muhammad had to say about God’s appreciation of our righteous behavior and actions:
God has written down the good deeds and the bad ones. He who has intended a good deed and has not done it, God writes it down as a full good deed, but if he has intended it and has done it, God writes it down as from ten good deeds to seven hundred times, or many times over. But if he has intended a bad deed and has not done it, God writes it down as a full good deed, but if he has intended it and has done it, God writes it down as one bad deed. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
A man was walking along the road and found a thorny branch blocking the way so he removed it. God appreciated that and forgave him. (Muslim)
These essential verses remind us to surround ourselves with good people; people who remember their Lord in the morning and in the evening. Our companions should encourage and inspire us to pray and to be charitable. They should inspire us to do more and to do better, and we, in our turn should encourage others likewise.
Remember that God knows and appreciates our righteous behavior and any attempt we make to please Him. Even the tiniest attempt to do better will not be forgotten.
Remember too that we have been warned; ignoring the commands of God will bring about an unbearable consequence. We choose the life we have in the Hereafter.
Source: IslamReligion.com
(From Discovering Islam archive)