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Researching About Khadijah (r) Led this Christian Woman to Islam

Born into a Christian Family, who are Church focused, attended Private Christian schools, and high school, and also attended a Christian university. She was and became prolific in various forms of Christian education. In addition, took trips to evangelize in Jerusalem and Palestine. After developing in life, certain events then led her to re-evaluate her beliefs and became agnostic. After meeting a Muslim sister who was guided back into Islam and sharing her experience. Medina was guided to Islam through the story and admiration she had for Khadija r.a.. This event led her to the Quran and Sunnah. Now going by the name of Medina Dawah, She speaks about her journey to Islam and engages online and privately with non-muslims and Muslim sisters in discussions about her journey from Christianity to Islam providing Dawah and information as her journey in Islam continues.

