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“Toronto For All”: Anti-Islamophobia Campaign Launched to Celebrate Acceptance

In an effort to bring awareness to rising Islamophobia in Canada, the city of Toronto has kicked off a new phase of its annual “Toronto For All” campaign to combat anti-Muslim sentiment and prejudice.

Launched with guidance from a Community Advisory Council and the National Council of Canadian Muslims, the campaign aims to remind Torontonians that acceptance comes without exceptions.

Toronto mayor elect Olivia Chow showed her support for the new campaign which will appear on transit shelters throughout Toronto, on City social media channels and on the City’s website.


“I am proud to lend my support to this initiative as I believe it has the potential to make a profound impact on reducing Islamophobia in our city,” said Deputy Mayor Jennifer McKelvie (Scarborough-Rouge Park), Chair of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee, reported.


“The Community Advisory Council, consisting of diverse Muslim community members and leaders, offered their invaluable expertise and insights to the outstanding creative team.”


The final campaign design, made by the city and diverse Muslim community members and groups, highlights the need for Torontonians to accept without exceptions, celebrating and respecting the faith and cultural practices of Muslims in Toronto.


“Experiences of Islamophobia are not a rare occurrence for Muslims in Toronto and across Canada,” said Aasiyah Khan, Director of Education Programs, National Council of Canadian Muslims.

“We are thrilled to stand with the City of Toronto as we launch a campaign, that we hope will encourage reflection and inspire people to work together to push back against Islamophobia and all forms of hate and racism.”

This is the 13th ‘Toronto For All’ campaign launched by the City in partnership with community partners and organizations.

The goal of the ‘Toronto For All’ public education initiative is to generate dialogue amongst Toronto residents to create a city that says no to all forms of discrimination and racism.

Previous campaigns have focused on topics including anti-East Asian racism, anti-Black racism, ageism and anti-Semitism.