7 Long Lasting Remedies For Youthful Stress
From headlines to deadlines, peer pressure to school pressure, and technology trouble to family troubles, the youth are constantly dealing with stress from different situations.
We all experience stress from time to time, and it is good to remember that stress is simply the body’s way of responding to the changes in life.
Yet whether these changes are positive or negative, the resulting stress can still bring about feelings that can affect your state of mind, body, and even health.
You can seek relief through great remedies infused in reminders from the Quran and hadith, accepting that these changes are trials for you.
We test you by good and by evil as a trial. (21:35)
1. Call on Allah
Whatever you are going through, no matter how enormous or flimsy the situation may seem, turn to your Lord. Complain to Allah first and foremost. He created you and He knows what is best for you, and He has asked you to call on Him.
Isn’t that a big help?
Knowing that relief is only a short request away, you really have no excuse not to ask. When you turn to Him, He will relieve you of the stress and fill your heart with faith and contentment. He will guide you to the best form of action to take.
Your Lord has said: Call on Me: I will respond to you. (40:61)
2. Dhikr— Allah
You can survive through any stress storm, when you keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah. Engage in it with full presence of mind while pondering on the meanings.
The hearts of those who believe find rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (13:28)
Constant remembrance is a great means of reflecting about Allah’s Oneness and His unique attributes. This act will engulf you with inner peace in today’s fast paced world.
One of such profound words of remembrance as captured in a narration states, Whoever says:
Allah is sufficient for me, none has the right to be worshiped except Him, upon Him I rely and He is Lord of the Exalted throne.’ (Whoever says it) seven times in the morning and in the evening, Allah will take care of whatever worries him/her of the matters of this world and the hereafter. (Abu Dawud)
3. Reciting, Reflecting and Listening to the Quran
The words of the Quran bring comfort and solace, through the verses contained within. Knowing that it is speech of Allah and a promise to the believers, you should eagerly run to it in times of stress as well as for regular reflections when seeking a deeper connection with your fashioner.
Reciting the Quran is an act of worship, yet beyond that you must remember it is a manual for your everyday challenges. Reflecting on its meaning brings about a greater connection with its message and listening to the great words can move you beyond speech, creating a yearning for Allah and His pleasure.
This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqun [the pious and righteous]. (2:2)
4. Gratitude
If you are reading this article, then you have a lot to be thankful for. Your life, your sight, intellect, ability to read, internet connection, laptop/tablet/mobile, and many more blessings.
Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny? (55:67)
Everything is from Allah and He Blesses us out of His mercy. Whatever He gives you, take it as a trust and use it wisely. And what may seem like a loss or withholding could actually be for the best. It is only when you are grateful that you will find contentment in every situation.
Think about this for a minute – what do you really own that comes only as a result of your knowledge and effort? Is it your health, wealth, career or family?
If you remember that your wealth and your children are only a trial from Allah, you will seek the everlasting reward from Him instead— Paradise. And you won’t worry too much over temporary inconveniences.
5. Positive Social Support
We all need friends and companions, and a huge part of youth is all about social interactions. What matters is who you choose to spend your time with.
When you spend it in the right company— with those who remind you of Allah and the everlasting home of Paradise— they will empower your faith and knowledge and fill your heart with inspirational reminders.
A person is likely to follow the faith of his friend, so look to whom you befriend. (Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)
Negative company, on the other hand, will lower your Iman and affect your morals and approach to different life situations. They will draw you to lowly desires, backbiting, and wasting time. This will only cause you stress upon stress.
Ah! Woe to Me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a Khalil (an intimate friend)! He indeed led me astray from the Reminder (this Quran) after it had come to me. And Shaitan (Satan) is to man ever a deserter in the hour of need. (25:28-29)
6. Night Prayers (Tahajjud)
While it is tempting to spend all night browsing the Internet, watching movies, or playing games just to get over some of your worries, why not invest your night time in tahajjud prayers for a more permanent way to manage the stress?
You can prepare for this special time by getting some rest during the day and going to bed early while observing the night time sunnah routine.
So while the world is sleeping, wake up and engage in a deep conversation with Allah. Ask for forgiveness and for clarity about your affairs, and offload your worries. Use this period to grow a bond with your Creator.
When one third of the night remains our Rabb [Lord], Most High, Most Exalted, descends to the first sky and announces, ”Who is there to beseech Me that I may answer his prayer and who is there to seek forgiveness that I may forgive him… (Muslim)
7. Renew Intention
You can change your mindset and reduce stress by tapping into the great power of intention. When you feel overwhelmed with problems and self-defeating thoughts, push Shaitan out of the radar by adjusting your intention switch. You can get more reward and feel better and energized with renewed intention.
It always helps knowing that your actions are backed by great and sincere intentions such as gaining the pleasure of Allah, rather than petty worldly reasons such as seeking someone’s attention.
Next time you feel stressed, make an intention for His sake and push ahead, all the while purifying this intention.
De-stress Your Life
Do you seek inner peace and happiness more than anything in your life right now?
You can achieve this when you learn to manage the stress in your life. But what greater stress could come upon you than what happened to the companion of the fish, Jonah?
Or losing your wealth, health and family as Ayyub found himself?
Or desperately seeking help as Hajar did when moving between Safa and Marwa?
Can you imagine young Yusuf separated from his family and loved ones, then sold into slavery?
Next time you are faced with inward or outward struggles, faith or fear issues, work or money matters, emotional pressure or force of stigma— seek guidance from the Quran and sunnah. One page at a time. One saying at a time. There is a message in there for you.
If you don’t find it at first, read through with attention. Then read again and reflect. You will find long lasting relief.
Try out just one of these unique remedies today!
Source: www.youthlyhub.com
SOURCE: https://aboutislam.net/reading-islam/living-islam/7-long-lasting-remedies-for-youthful-stress/