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Let’s make an effort to be like this:

  1. A Muslim always says the truth; He never lies.
  2. A Muslim is faithful to his word. He is honest and does not betray.
  3. He does not gossip about others.
  4. A Muslim is courageous, he does not flinch.
  5. A Muslim is persistent in defending the truth, bold to proclaim it.
  6. A Muslim is fair to others, even to his detriment. He does not transgress the rights of others nor tolerate being treated unfairly by anyone.
  7. A Muslim asks for advice about his affairs and then entrusts himself to God.
  8. A Muslim takes great care in the execution of his work.
  9. A Muslim is modest, merciful. He invites to do good; He forbids evil and refrains himself from doing it.
  10. Every Muslim must be a champion of God’s cause.