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Hands Off My Hijab Movement Gains Traction in France

Muslim women in France have launched the Pas touche à mon hijab (Hands Off My Hijab) movement on social media to protest the Senate’s expansion of the list of Muslim headwear bans, according to the GZT website.

On March 30, the French Senate voted to add new bans to a sensational anti-separatism bill, including a ban on Muslim women under 18 wearing the hijab in public and mothers accompanying children on school trips, and a ban on women at official sports events and in swimming pools. put on burkini.

Duygu Akin, 25, who became one of the founders of this movement in France, says that the hijab in the country has been the subject of constant attacks by Islamophobes, and the issue of it has been raised on several occasions.

Girls in hijabs first started taking pictures, making the inscription “Hands off my hijab” on their palms in English-language social networks. After they were joined by Muslim women in France, translating this phrase into French and posting a photo with the hashtag #pastoucheamonhijab.


Duygu Akin says that in France, Muslim women face problems with the hijab, primarily in the field of education, since it is forbidden to wear it in the senior grades of public schools. Also, she said, while the hijab ban only applies to public companies, many private companies do not employ covered women. In general, a negative attitude towards the hijab has formed in France. The girl says: “My friends and I are defending our right to vote, we are trying to achieve it ourselves.”

Duygu Akin notes that at first glance it seems that freedom exists in France, but when it comes to religious practices, all sorts of restrictions on rights begin, which causes chagrin. “I am very sad because we are French citizens who grew up in this country, but the state ignores us. We do not want to be perceived simply as women in hijabs. We have professions, we contribute to society, we have roles in public life. We do not want the media to remember us only as a problem, ”says the girl.


Duygu Akin says that with their friends involved in the #PasToucheAMonHijab movement, they began writing letters to lawmakers to express their views on hijab bans and gain support. “Our priority now is to prevent the adoption of the bill against the hijab. But our plans are not limited to this – we want to ensure that the topic of the hijab is not raised all the time in public discussion. Even if the law is not passed, the exaggeration of the issue of Muslim headdresses contributes to its negative perception, ”she says.

Akin recalls that in France this issue was initially raised in the form of a ban on wearing religious symbols. She says: “In recent years,“ headscarf ”or“ hijab ”has been used instead of the phrase“ religious symbol ”. Those. it is not any religious symbol that is prohibited, but specifically the hijab. This is already Islamophobia. The ban directly affects Muslim women who wear headscarves, while Christians also have the concept of the hijab, but it does not become the subject of controversy. ”

