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Allah helps the one who helps his brothers

It is narrated from the words of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

وَاللهُ فِي عَوْنِ العَبْدِ ما كانَ العَبْدُ في عَوْن أخيه

“Allah helps His servant when he helps his brother [by faith]”  [Muslim 2699].

An important hadith designed to unite the Muslim community, bring us, its members, and promote the unity of believers.

And, as in the case of many other hadiths, we discover the deep meaning of these words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) only when we really think about it and pay conscious attention to this hadith.

Retribution corresponds to the deed – this is a well-known rule in our religion. And this hadith only confirms and emphasizes it.

Every believer a priori wants the Almighty to help him. And the Lord through the lips of his Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) prompted us a wonderful way to achieve this goal. Help your brother or sister in faith – and the Lord of the Worlds will help you.

At the same time, it seems to many that their capabilities are rather limited and there are not so many ways to help someone. Moreover, help is often associated with something material, with money, of which not every Muslim has so much that he can afford to distribute it right and left in an effort to help absolutely everyone who needs help. And there is a voluntary self-restraint “I would be glad, but there is nothing.”

But in fact, the opportunities to help each of us are truly endless. In order to convey useful knowledge or, say, teach not even the Muslim himself, but his child to read the Koran, if we ourselves, unlike the parent, own this art, this is also help, and some other kind, moreover, it does not require material costs. You can have a heart-to-heart talk with a teenager who, for some reason, is not very good at talking with his parents, put something kind, good and light in him with these conversations, strengthen him on the true path and thereby provide invaluable help to his parents. You can give someone sensible, sincere and, moreover, free advice.

You can do a thousand similar seemingly small, but important things that for some reason simply do not come to mind for many – mainly for those who think that help is certainly something solid and solid, and not some “little things” …

And even when it seems that you cannot help with anything at all, there is always a way to help. Because to ask for a person with a kind prayer to the Supreme Creator is also help. And the opportunity to provide this help to relatives and strangers remains with us even when we do not find other ways to deserve the help of the Almighty.

And it turns out that help in various forms can be provided to many and many times a day. It is only important to have the appropriate intention – to consciously fulfill this wonderful and very important covenant of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).