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Medina is a blessed city where the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) lived and the first Islamic state was created. Millions of Muslims come here every year. What places they visit most often is analyzed by the Fikriyat website.

Masjid al-Nabawi – The Prophet’s Mosque


As soon as the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) arrived in Medina, he was concerned with the construction of a mosque. Having bought land from two orphans, he personally worked on the construction and laid the first stone in its foundation. Throughout its history, the Prophet’s Mosque has been rebuilt many times and practically nothing has remained of the original structure, and its area has increased almost 400 times compared to the original.

Mosque Cuba


The Quba Mosque is considered the first mosque in Islam. Its foundations were laid by the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), when, during his resettlement (hijra) from Mecca to Medina, he stopped to rest in the oasis of Cuba for 14 days. At the very beginning, it was an open type mosque – musalla, but later it was expanded and rebuilt many times. The modern building of the mosque was erected in 1984, and the previous one was demolished.

Mount Uhud


Uhud is within walking distance of the Prophet’s Mosque. Near this mountain, a second battle took place between the Muslims and the Meccans, which ended in victory for the latter. Uhud is mentioned in several hadiths.

Rauda-i Mutahhara


Rauda-i Mutahhara is part of the Prophet’s Mosque, where the tomb of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is located. This name translates as “the purest garden” and was given in accordance with the hadith: “Between my grave and the minbar is Raud – one of the Gardens of Eden.” The area of Raud-i Mutahhara is about 300 square meters.

Bucky Cemetery


Baki became the first Muslim cemetery in Medina. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) personally designated his place. He performed funeral (Janaza) prayers here. Some of the wives of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are buried on Baki, as well as such eminent Sahabahs as Uthman, Abdurrahman ibn Auf, Sad ibn Abu Wakkas, Abdullah ibn Masud, Abu Hurayrah, Hasan, Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them).

Khujra Saadat


“Khujra Saadat” translates as “Room of Happiness”. This is the former room of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her), where the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) died and was buried. Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) were buried next to him.

Masjid Qiblatayn – Two Qiblah Mosque


This mosque is located in the northern part of the Medina. At first it was called Banu Salim. Once, when the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) performed namaz here, the 144th verse of Surah al-Bakar was revealed to him, prescribing the change of qibla from the al-Aqsa mosque to the Kaaba. After that, the mosque got its name. As in the case of the two mosques mentioned, nothing remains of the original building. The modern building of the mosque was built in 1987, and the previous one was demolished.

Masajid-i Saba – Seven Mosques

“Mosque of the Moat” – Masjid al-Khandak / Source:

These are seven mosques in the northern part of Medina, which were built in places associated with the events of the Battle of Khandak. The complex included the Fatah mosque, the mosques of Salman Farsi, Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar ibn Khattab, Ali ibn Abu Talib, Sad ibn Muaz (may Allah be pleased with them). Pilgrims have come here for centuries. But the Wahhabis, considering this to be inconsistent with Islam, demolished part of the mosques. This did not stop the pilgrims, so in 2007 the Moat Mosque – Masjid al-Khandak was built on this site.
