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Ramadan: Detroit Volunteers Gather to Pack Food for Needy Families

As Ramadan calls on Muslims to show compassion for the poor and less fortunate, dozens of volunteers from Detroit Muslim community gathered to pack boxes of food to help the less fortunate during the holy month.

On the first day of Ramadan, volunteers with the Amity Foundation in Dearborn managed to pack 80,000 pounds of food in boxes to make sure families who are fasting have food to eat at iftar.

“A family will get a bag of chicken and a box,” Mo Baydoun, Dearborn Heights city council member, told Click On Detroit.

Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar. It started on Saturday April 2 in most countries around the world, with only few countries starting the fasting month on Sunday.

As Muslims fast during the day to practice self-restraint, giving back like this embodies the essence of the Holy month.

“Hopefully this is stuff that people will be able to cook a a meal, not just a day but last a month and also giving gift cards so they can buy more groceries, said Danielle Elzayat, co-founder of the Amity Foundation.

Giving boxes to a people waiting in a long line of cars, Rukhaya, another high school volunteer, was very happy to help.

“We’re having a good time helping others, putting a smile on others, and it is Ramadan, so you’re doing good deeds,” she said. “So it’s a good thing to do.”

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

Muslims dedicate their time during the holy month to become closer to Allah through prayer, self-restraint, and good deeds.