5. Fast one day in a month
Rekindle the spirit of Ramadan once a month by selecting one day to fast. It will refresh your mind and body. You can have water, but abstain from food. End your fast in as healthily a way as possible.
Meditate; spend time in positive introspection and take the day slow. This will help refresh your mind and help you de-stress while detoxing your body.
6. Tolerance
The spiritual element of Ramadan automatically instills a positive feeling, which permeates all our activities. Even people who don’t fast seem to take the extra effort to be positive, polite and tolerant. Carry this forward this Eid and strive to be understanding and tolerant of people or events around you.
Be ready to listen and learn as much as you can. Be open-minded to ideas, even if they make no sense to you at first. Tolerance only comes through understanding and acceptance of things that are new or different.
7. Eat less meat
As responsible human beings, we should avoid taking lives just because we like eating meat. We have so many options available to us, yet we seem unable to control our appetite for meat.
Regardless of your culture or normal eating patterns, eating less meat is easy to bring about and healthier for you. For a start, restrict yourselves to just one or two non-vegetarian meals in a week.
8. Stop smoking (If you are a smoker)
Take a resolution to be responsible for your own health and quit smoking. Make small changes such as avoiding or restricting daily smoking opportunities with colleagues and avoid buying cigarettes.
Challenge yourself, because the need to smoke should not control you.
9. Volunteer once a month
Volunteer for a cause close to your heart once a month. Find a cause you feel passionate about and do adequate research on the organization before registering as a volunteer.