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Muslims Mourn Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II was Britain’s longest-serving monarch with over 70 years on the throne. Since 1952, the world has gone through so many changes.

Yet, the Queen remained a poised, highly respected figure here in the UK and abroad, representing the sort of stability and guidance that every nation craves. That’s why her death has had such a profound impact on so many people’s lives; British Muslims are no different.

From organizations to individuals, there has been an outpour of sympathy and emotion. The Muslim Council of Britain led the charge saying that, “We remember how the Queen devoted her life to public service and sought unity among British communities.”

While the Association of British Muslims said, “We ask all people, regardless of background, to send their support, prayers, and thoughts to the Royal Family and offer their allegiance and support to His Majesty King Charles III.”

In my capacity, the Queen was the patron of my boarding school, Reeds, which she last visited in 2014 and generated such an emotional response from pupils at the time.

This is a reminder that very few command such respect in life, and those who do, when they pass, are indeed cherished.

Muslims pay tribute

Shannaz Z, “Our QUEEN IS NO MORE. RIP.”

Nadeem A, “I was attending a meeting in Battersea, south London when I was shocked to receive a message from one of my colleagues to inform me HRH Queen Elizabeth II had passed away. I headed straight to Buckingham Palace after my engagement. Just came back from Buckingham Palace where I laid flowers in tribute to the tragic loss of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. She lived a life of service, dedication, stoicism, and dignity. One of the most exceptional people of our lifetimes.”

Shehneela A, “A very, very sad day and deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen II. Thank you for your service to our nation, your steadfast loyalty to our country, commonwealth, and all its people. Thank you for everything, Ma’am. We will be forever indebted to you. Our thoughts and condolences are with The Royal Family and everyone around the world mourning the loss of Her Majesty. RIP.”

Ibrahim R, “Struggling to find the right words… it’s been a very surreal day. One that I’ll never forget. Helped to coordinate the University of Cambridge social media messaging as we responded to the death of Queen Elizabeth II. This was a unique kind of pressure and a huge responsibility. Grateful to all my colleagues for your support on such a sad evening. My thoughts are with The Royal Family at this sad time.“

Nausheen K, “Rest In Peace our Queen.”

Syed R, “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un…Surely we belong to God and to Him we return. Our deepest condolences to His Majesty the King, his family, and Her Majesty’s friends and companions.“

Asif A, visiting Osborne House said, “At 4.45 pm today I happened to be standing in the room (coincidentally) that Queen Victoria passed away in.”

Amina A, “1926-2022. RIP Queen Elizabeth II. A truly remarkable Queen who was the epitome of grace, dignity, steadfastness, and duty throughout her 70-year reign.”

Ayesha H, “Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi raajioon. Surely, to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return. An icon, an institution in herself, the epitome of elegance, grace, and composure; inspirational in so many ways: farewell Queen Elizabeth II.”

Shabnum S, “A very somber day, Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Elizabeth II has sadly died this afternoon at Balmoral. Her Majesty was wonderful, dedicated, and loyal, reigning for over 70 years. It was always a pleasure to watch her, an incredibly strong devoted loyal public servant indeed. Rest In Peace, Ma’am.”

True Leader

Suhail C, “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II served the State and Nation in an exemplary way. She raised the profile of Monarchy while staying away from controversies. Her poise and grace as the Head of the State drew praise worldwide. She visited Pakistan in 1961 & 1997. Queen Elizabeth took the throne in 1952 when she was just 25 years old. She was crowned on 2nd June 1953 and advised no fewer than 15 British Prime Ministers, from Winston Churchill to Liz Truss. May the Queen Rest in Peace.”

Amber H, “Whatever you feel about the Royal Family, the loss of our Queen will be felt by many (including myself) and the ripple effect will land for some expectedly, and others almost by surprise. Personally, I feel it like a deep and heavy ache, unsettling – reminding me of other losses I have faced. The nation has lost a committed, loyal, and caring mother, sister, and aunt.”

Milton H, “RIP. The history she has witnessed and overseen the independence of former colonies and her stoicism in embracing NI peace in the face of personal loss. And to deal with all the scandals and private family challenges. At least appearing all the time calm and elegant. Remarkable daughter, sister, wife, mother, woman, and Queen.”

Raheela A, “I grew up like so many of my friends & family with the Queen. I am not a monarchist, but even I admired her constancy and dignity. Such a big loss to the UK. God bless the Queen.“

Soraya B, “Rest in Peace to our Queen! The end of a Queendom… Heartbreaking news this evening.“

Tehmina K, “Incredibly sad news. A life of tremendous devotion and service to her country, for over 70 years. The Queen always had my admiration and respect. May she rest in peace.”

Noreen H, Inna lilahi wa inna ilahi raji’un (To God we belong, to God we return). May God have mercy on your soul Queen Elizabeth.”

Respecting every human being in life and death is a tradition established by Prophet Muhammad. When the funeral procession of a non-Muslim passed by him, he stood up. Some of his companions asked why he stood up for a non-Muslim, to which the Prophet replied, was he not a human being?

Compassion, kindness, love, consideration, and respect for all people is a tradition established by Prophet Muhammad and those who wish to follow his sunnah. They would have the dignity to stand up and respect the Queen, a woman who lived a truly profound life, impacting so many. Your majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, you will be missed.