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Create a “Qur’an Vision” For You and Your Family in 2023

Moving into a new year, we have big hopes, especially that things are getting better after all that has happened in the last one.

Being realistic, there is little we can control about the current state of the world.

But we can control a lot about ourselves and our lives.

This may be the perfect time for you to define your Qur’an vision. So then go for it!

Every human being is unique. What a precious gift of Allah this uniqueness is.

It enables each one of us to use our exclusive set of talents and abilities.

We are able to acquire our own little pool of knowledge, through our own distinct style of learning. We can weave our own “one-of-a-kind yarn” in life.

Almost all Muslims approach Allah’s book, the Glorious Qur’an, in their own particular way.

Create a “Qur’an Vision” For You and Your Family in 2023 - About Islam

With love, faith, and devotion, based on their individual human uniqueness, the Qur’an has different effects on different people, too.

The Qur’an is different for everyone

Take the companions of the Prophet (PBUH), for example.

Every one of them excelled, grew, and flowered in their own unique way after reverting to Islam.

Taking the Qur’an as their book of guidance in life, its effect was unique to each.

The Qur’an brought out the inherent goodness in them in different ways.

You might wonder, “How do we apply this “reap what you sow” philosophy to the way our family connects to the Qur’an?”

I think it is not enough to teach a child just how to read the Arabic script of the Quran.

We often do so by using classes given by a third person.

Apparently, in South Asia and other Muslim cultures, most Muslim parents seem to believe that once they have fulfilled this duty regarding their children, their job in “connecting their child” to the Qur’an is done.

Is a Muslim parent’s duty of connecting their child to Allah through the Quran really accomplished by hiring a qualified reciter of the Qur’an (a qari) to teach their child how to read the Qur’an’s Arabic script, taking them through it once, twice or three times, and then leaving it (and their relationship with this Glorious Book) “shelved” thereafter, or at least until a major calamity befalls?

For most Muslim parents, yes, that truly might be “it.”

But is it for you?

Do we fully realize that what we are sowing today, we shall reap tomorrow?

What is a “Vision”?

Well, to define the very word itself, “vision” is simply “what you see.”

It is the fantastical, self-projected “picture” that comes to your mind when you imagine a particular scenario regarding the future.

Companies, organizations, and political movements all have “visions.”

Their vision describes, in a few sentences, what they “see” themselves achieving in the future.

You may even have a “vision board” to help you reach your life goals.

Take a Look at the Muslim Adults Around You

To define the “Quran vision” for yourself and your family (spouse and children), first put two and two together.

Imagine that the adults walking around you today (including you) are, in fact, the little children of the past.

They were naughtily scurrying around, playing, giggling, and just being kids 20,30, or 40+ years ago).

You have to admit and acknowledge that what your children do, learn, and practice today will affect and determine what kind of adults they will be a few decades down the road, insha’Allah, by the will and decree of Allah.

Now, leave out the imams (religious leaders), khateebs (sermon-givers), and qaris (qualified reciters) for the moment.

Take an objective look at yourself and all the adults around you.

Your spouse, parents, siblings, parents-in-law, siblings-in-law (and their other halves), your office colleagues, and your cousins. Anyone above age 20, in fact.

Try to see what their connection with the Qur’an is like.

And then try to imagine or reflect upon what that connection would have been like had their parents adopted a different approach towards their Qur’an education/learning during their childhood.

Now, Be Specific in Pinpointing Desired Details of the “Qur’an Vision” for You and Your Family

There are many preliminary, basic, superlative, and advanced levels of connecting with Allah through His Glorious Book, the Qur’an.

Create a “Qur’an Vision” For You and Your Family in 2023 - About Islam

You need to decide which one is the vision for yourself and your children.

The vision might also vary for each child, depending on his or her unique set of talents and abilities; remember our human uniqueness.

Please keep in mind that despite a parent’s best efforts, nothing can happen except by Allah’s will.

And I also admit that, many times, parents’ efforts to make their child achieve a certain level in a particular field of knowledge fail.

For the better, of course. Allah always decides for the better.

However, defining a vision is still a must in order for us, as parents, to plan our children’s journey with the Qur’an beforehand and not undermine the level of connection they can achieve with Allah through His Book.

To continue…


This article, from our archive, is originally written for a previous year, and slight modifications have been introduced to it for its importance and general relevance.