Muslim News Staff 14 February, 2025 The oldest surviving mosque in America is 112 years old, reflecting a deep-rooted Muslim community that blossomed centuries ago in the American continent. Here…
Why Was the Qiblah Changed from Jerusalem to Makkah?
Professor Shahul Hameed 11 February, 2025 Two momentous events in the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) bear special significance as regards the institution of Prayer (Salah) in Islam: TheMi`raj(the…
Al-Battani (Albategnius): The Trigonometrical Genius
David W. Tschanz 12 December, 2024 What were al-Battani’s contributions to trigonometry? How did al-Battani’s observations differ from Ptolemy’s theory? What is the significance of al-Battani’s discovery of annular eclipses?…
Fatima Cates, Forgotten British Trailblazer of Islam
AboutIslam & News Agencies 19 November, 2024 Over 123 years ago, on October 31, 1901, a crowd gathered at Anfield Cemetery in Liverpool for the funeral of Fatima Cates, a…
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim’s Tips to Improve Your Patience
Ibn Al-Qayyim 11 November, 2024 As Almighty Allah has enjoined patience, He has also provided some means that lead to it and support it. Whenever Allah ordains something, He grants…
Great Minds That Shaped Islamic Civilization – Al-Khwarizmi
Umm Muadh 06 October, 2024 Allah (SWT) has bestowed upon humans innumerable gifts and talents. With those talents we discover the world around us. Many times scientists look through telescopes…
AboutIslam & News Agencies 27 September, 2024 We are all familiar with names of Western explorers like Marco Polo, Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Columbus and others who have put…
A Soldier’s Promise: The Remarkable Story of Hasan’s 55-Year Vigil at Al-Aqsa Mosque
AboutIslam & Newspapers 26 September, 2024 The story of Turkish soldier Hasan, who kept vigil at Al-Aqsa Mosque for 55 years after the Ottoman Empire’s withdrawal from Palestine, is being…
Why does Allah let bad things happen to innocent people? Why is my life so full of pain? And why are people so bad? How can I save myself from temptations?…
Sinai – The Land of Miracles Where God Spoke to Moses
In the remote desert of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula lies a land of immense historical and spiritual significance to the world’s three great monotheistic religions. The Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions…