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Islam urges honesty
“O you who believe! Be conscious of God, and be with the sincere”
Qur’an 9:119
The value of knowledge in Islam
“Seeking knowledge is a duty upon every Muslim”A saying of the Prophet Muhammad
We spend so much time living life, yet not enough time thinking about what are we doing alive. Ponder over the meaning of life, the purpose of our existence, who is responsible for our creation and what happens when we leave. If you don’t want to think about where you came from, at least think about where you are going to go when it’s all over.
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Islamic Library
Islam makes meaning for our lives

“I was amazed by the way in which Islam raised the status of women and parents.”
Umm ‘Abd al-Malik,
An American Muslim woman

“I felt hollow and exploited. I wanted to be respected and be known for who I am inside and not for how much flesh I am showing outside. Islam recognizes women’s rights in a way that grants them the utmost protection and respect.”
Felixia Yeap, a Malaysian model

“Islam is the religion of monotheism, happiness, and peace of mind. It is the religion of divine justice.”